Da Essence è in arrivo tra Maggio e Giugno 2018 una nuova super edizione limitata... Adventure Awaits – Get Sunkissed!

bronzing eyeshadow palette - 01 collect moments, not things!

bronzing stick - 01 travel lover, 02 travel makes me happy

eye & lip liner - 01 collect moments, not things!

highlighting blotting paper - 01 on the go beauties

metallic lipstick - 01 kisses from the orient, 02 kisses from asia

velvet matt lipstick - 01 kisses from africa

body & ankle jewellery tattoos - 01 and so the adventure begins…

scented shimmering body lotion - 01 explore, dream, discover 100 ml

jumbo bronzer - 01 my happy place, 02 our happy place

3D jewellery nail sticker - 01 don`t stop to explore!

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